Instead of going political once again, and obsessing too much on the upsetting win of one of the nastiest constant liars in the US political sphere preparing to take over the nuclear soccer ball, or whatever, as well as whether Merkel meant it with the no Leader of the Free World for us*, or not... I'd rather report some new sensations of the physical world. Or conjecture on.
No, not sensations of the trump'eting kind. Bodily interactions with the everyday physical world, rather.
The other day, about a forthnight ago, I realised, that if I take a really hot bath in early winter, and most of my body is beneath the surface, but the parts of my legs around my knees aren't, my knees give off a thin smoke. Of their own! I.e. my legs were at an angle, knees up, the actual bath water not steaming too much and I saw... Okay, I knew within a second the "smoke" had to be just more steam, but the child in me - yes, still present after all dese long done years! - was impressed.
I'm the man with the occasional smokin' legs!
Today, after a bad dip into a lot-of-crazy-coughing 'flu for about a week, I realised that my food intake during sick leaves tends to be the exact thing I should be going for, when I'm not sick: Healthier (less finished food, more fruit, more tea than bottled water) and less of it. Only once I feel better, like now, do old unhealthy appetites return (mostly carbohydrates & salt - I love most salty stuff).
So I wondered: Was it only the diminished hunger caused by i.a. fever that had that effect? Could it be in part due to the often-closed nose, i.e. partial loss of smell?
Maybe I could do a lot for an effective new life diet, if I stoppered up my nose for one or more days each week...?
Well, have a good festive month!
almost exactly a year ago?! ;-))
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