In the current issue of the popular German magazine, STERN, I read an interview with Kristen Stewart, on a brief visit to Hamburg accompanying Karl Lagerfeld, where she said, "I want to be remembered for being cool and honest". I like Stewart but I wondered whether she sees the counterpoint of the two descriptions.
What is coolness? If it's a generally definable term, isn't it defined by current trends (currently among people a lot younger than me)? So, what would honesty mean in that context? -- If it isn't generally definable, isn't it per se a subjective definition, differing from person to receiving person? Maybe that's what she meant, subjective honesty.
I currently receive the following as cool, sorted from least to most important (in my eýes):
- The new Star Wars movie - I liked it a lot more than many of my peers & apparently* some of the die-hard fans. I see in fact the movie turning around the reason Rose gives Finn for why she saves him from self-emolation - LOVE drives the Resistance. I.a. it's the reason Finn is still part of the current ensemble. Duh.
I understand how the U.S. movement described by the picture got started, and I utterly agree that women need to be heard, and above all legally assisted/compensated, if blundering idiot/s go too far, or - macho bullies! - even threaten them. Having said that, I am unhappy about the way a colleague of the starter of this movement i.a. slandered Ben Affleck, and may have seriously damaged his acting career. She tried it, slightly milder, but still nasty, once more this week, with Meryl Streep - who turned out to be too powerful an icon. That Streep put a brake on well-intentioned slandering... I find cool! (Here's hoping social media hate posters, mostly male, now some female, learn a little from that.)
- That the by now Zulu-driven ANC managed to collect its wits, and vote Cyril Ramaphosa into its no. 1 spot within the party this week, is cool. The amount of damage Zuma - a Zulu - has managed to cause the party, as well as the country, has become overwhelming. Now, Ramaphosa - a Venda - one of the major movers toward the breakdown of Apartheid almost 3 decades ago, needs to take the next step, and throw out Zuma as president, and take up those reins! Amandla, Ramaphosa!!!
could also turn out to be a slandering attempt
by SW fan/troll brigades)
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