Sunday, 11. June 2023
Berlin cinemas + 1 list (i.a. measuring the return of mostly milder totalitarianism globally)
After a burnout dip of several months and battling with various forms of what seems to be tachycardia, here's another reflection of what is going on unseen above the neckline...

One of the most commercial cinemas in the capital, this complex of many(-sized) cinema halls has recently won my attention back a little, because they are finally showing more films in the original (previously: only German or German-dubbed), and now also sport super-comfy recliner seats, with a useful-as-well-as-bothersome tray for drinks etc.. Other than that the vibe as you enter the complex is still that of a well-oiled inhuman machine that extracts your Euros wherever & however it can. It is still the cinema that dials the ads preceding the film louder than anywhere else, probably explaining why the hall you're sitting in is almost empty just before the actual film, to then fill up (unpleasantly) hectically as the film starts.
A cabal of old men
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